1. Format
The æ-Mark appears in the following format irrespective of colour:

2. Purpose
The purpose of the æ-Mark is to recognise and affirm the associative economic quality of an enterprise and therefore the entrepreneur(s) responsible for it. Including the self-employed and sole traders and regardless of its size, locality and domain of operation, an ‘enterprise’ can be agricultural, industrial, commercial, financial, governmental, humanitarian or cultural.
Users of the æ-Mark demonstrate an approach to modern economic life that fosters cultural diversity, furthers human dignity, and promotes environmental and economic sustainability.
3. Owner, Administration and Financing
The administration and development of the æ-Mark is conducted on a public benefit basis.
4. Use and Criteria
Although self-accrediting, the use of the æ-Mark assumes its users comport their conduct with these Guidelines and in fulfilment of the æ-Mark’s Criteria.
5. Monitoring
These Guidelines are conceived and formulated to permit their future evolution in accordance with the conditions necessary to the fulfilment of the purpose of the æ-Mark.
They are subject to continuous review by the Associative Economics Association, which reserves the right to amend and develop them as it sees fit.
February 2021 (This version of the Guidelines supersedes all previous versions.)